Monday, September 22, 2008

Diaper Rash

Over this past weekend, Sarah had the worst diaper rash that I have seen yet. She is trying to push some molars out, although I'm sure that it pains her, I see that the rash hurts her more! I did the usual... let her run around naked every now and then... gave her gripe water... Tylenol... and used the best cream, Penaten, but nothing helped! So I went to the local drug store to pick up more Tylenol and thought that I would talk to the pharmacist to see if he had any ideas for me. He told me that everything that I was doing was great, he said that Penaten is the best cream that he has seen, but the only problem with it is that it is really thick. It is thick to put on, and hard to smear around and hard to wipe off, and on a sore bum, the less touching, the less it hurts. So he told me that while it is really sore mix the Penaten with Vaseline -- 3 parts Penaten to 1 part Vaseline. Since Penaten already has Vaseline in it, you aren't adding anything to it that will change the nature of the product. It really worked! Sometimes when you smear Penaten, it comes off as you are trying to move it around... this doesn't do that! Wiping it off was just as good! It was nice to not have Sarah screaming bloody murder when I put this new cream on! The pharmacist said that as soon as you can, go back to full strength, but this helps while it is raw!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hey you!!!

It's time to start blogging again - I've tagged you on mine. The rules are listed there. Have fun.
